Chris, who was egged on to be chair by Sergeant Richard, welcomed guest speaker Michael Kapitan, from Caloundra Vision Optometrists.
The International Toast was proposed by Jim to Rotary Club of Budapest, in District 1911 in Hungary
Thanks for the photos Dave
President Jim delivered his report
  • Thanks Renae for helping out with a friend’s flat tyre
  • Cal Pac Trivia Night March 7th
  • Calling for donations for meeting prizes
  • Thanks Warryn for $190 in bottles this year
Chris thanked Dave for the rolling background
Michael Kapitan, from Caloundra Vision Optometrists, introduced himself.
Michael and partner Elizabeth have purchased Caloundra Vision Optometrists from Adrian and Helen Bell. Adrian has now retired and is pursuing his passion for photography.
Michael will be speaking on “Longevity of Sight”

“The team at Caloundra Vision- “Great staff.

Macular degeneration.
Cataracts – vitamin C is good. Can be repaired so as to be as good as new.
Macular Degeneration.
The macula provides the detail in your eyesight. Annual checks are advised.

Risk factors include UV exposure and diet

“dry“ macular degeneration – approximately 90% of cases.
Exercise and diet supplements – high dose.
New treatment antioxidant injections.
“Wet “macular degeneration – affects about 10% of suffers.
More serious.
Happens overnight.
Injections have been around for awhile.
Monitoring – Amsler grids are available from the practice.
Annual exams after age 55.
Longevity factors
Diet – high in antioxidants as found in dark green vegetables, eggs, blueberries.
Avoid processed food
Avoid UV light. (not a “tint“ to glasses. It is a film)
Glucoma is the “sneak thief of sight“.
Raised eye pressure damages the optic nerve and there is a patchy loss of peripheral vision, often not noticed because the other eye and brain will compensate.
Often undiagnosed.
Eyedrops reduce the pressure in the eye.
Polarisation - long discussion.

Chris thanked Michael for the talk


Deborah told us that STEMM is “in trouble“
The state is cutting funding by $8000 a year.
Club will send a letter.
Plus personal letters please.
Late Rotarian Lyn Roberts’ daughter established STEMM in Nambour in 2008.
It was to assist school age mothers.
Over 400 have gone to university as a result of the program?
Talk to Deborah about who to lobby
The week after next we will be having a think tank about fundraising chaired by our Community Director Renae.
Pam – Merv is in hospital – she will keep us informed.
Darryl – Board meeting on the 12th at Gateway
Sergeant Richard was very annoying, even fining Roger for attempted fraud.

A joke from Darryl. I forgotten the detail, but there was a guy dying family in a nurse and a milkman?